The Texas Knights of Columbus Field Agents are sponsoring a FREE webinar by David McKnight on “The Power of Zero”, Wednesday September 16 at 7:00 pm.  Please use the this ZOOM Link to register.

If tax rates go up, how much of your hard-earned money will you really get to keep? In ‘The Power of Zero,” McKnight provides a concise, step by step roadmap on how to get to the 0% tax bracket by the time you retire, effectively eliminating tax rate risk from your retirement picture. David has been featured in Forbes, USA Today, The New York Times, Fox Business, Bloomberg Radio, MarketWatch, CBS Radio, CNBC, Yahoo Finance,, Reuters, Investor’s Business Daily and numerous other national publications.

This is a statewide webinar and will be limited to the first 1000 that register.  The cost of attendance has been covered by the Texas Knights of Columbus Agencies, so just show up (virtually) and enjoy the presentation.