Mark Kubacak and his wife, Darlene, received their ACE Wings pin in recognition of their participation in multiple pro-life events on Thursday, March 10. ACE stands for Pro-Life without Apology, without Compromise, and without Exception. The presentation was made by District Deputy, Jerry Moch.
Knights Donate to St Clare School
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus donated $5,000 to the St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School Tuition Assistance Program. Bill Hoff and Frank Standa presented the check to Father Vincent on Saturday, February 26 after mass.
Knight of the Quarter – Bob Hebert
Bill Hoff and Father Vincent present Deacon Bob Hebert with the Knight of the Quarter Award for his work in the St. Clare Knights of Columbus Council 9708.
2022 Annual Clergy Appreciation Night
The Galveston-Houston Chapter of the Knights of Columbus hosted their 38th Annual Clergy Appreciation Night on Friday, January 28, 2022 at the Bayou City Event Center. Each year the Knights express their appreciation of the clergy in the Archdiocese at this event. All Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Brothers and Nuns are invited to the banquet and recognition ceremony. The event was well attended with approximately 1650 people attending. Although Fr. Vincent was unable to attend, the St. Clare Knights had two tables and attended with Deacons Bob Hebert and Joe Trevino.
2022 Rally for Life
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus chartered a coach bus to travel to the 2022 Rally for Life in Austin, TX on Saturday, January 22, 2022. This is an annual event that the Knights have hosted for many years. There were 31 people from St. Clare that joined the thousands in Austin to march in the Rally.
Lone Star Award for Excellence with Distinction
Congratulations to the St. Clare Knights of Columbus on receiving the prestigious Lone Star Award for Excellence With Distinction for the last fraternal year. This is the highest Award in Texas for Operational Excellence. Of the 132 Councils in the Galveston Houston Archdiocese, our Council 9708 was only 1 of 5 to receive the Award. District Deputy, Jerry Moch presented the Award to the Council at their Membership Meeting on Thursday, December 9, 2021. Congratulations to everyone for the tireless work on our service programs and charitable work. It is our members and our spouses, that keep our Council vibrant and alive. Congratulations everyone!
Knights Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity
On Friday, Dec 10, 2021, the St. Clare Knights of Columbus volunteered at Habitat for Humanity wrapping houses with Tyvek. The Council is pleased to work with Habitat for Humanity and looks forward to future opportunities.
Knight of the Quarter – Stan Lewis
Congratulations to our Knight of the Quarter, Stan Lewis, for his organization of Council Meetings in his role as Warden. Stan was also recently recognized for his long-term dedication to the Order with an Honorary Life Membership Award. Congratulations Stan!
2021 Volunteers at Houston Food Bank Dec 4
There were a total of 32 volunteers at the Houston Food Bank on Dec 4. This was a very successful event attended by Knights, family members, parishioners, and Youth Ministry. At 32 volunteers this was our largest group ever. Thanks to all that attended.
St Clare Exemplification and Welcome Ceremony
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus held an Exemplification and Welcome Ceremony on Monday, November 15, 2021, for new Knights, transfers, and advancing degrees from St. Clare (15), St. Paul (6), St. Bernadette (2), and St. Mary Immaculate Conception (1); a total of 24 participants. After the ceremony the St. Clare Knights hosted a family meal in the Family Life Center. Congratulations to all our New Knights!