Bishop Flanagan’s 31st Annual KC Men’s Retreat was held in San Antonio Oct 13-15 with Miguel Ramirez and Pat Hall of the St. Clare Knights of Columbus participating.
100th Anniversary of Fatima
On Friday, October 13, St. Clare Parish hosted a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Fatima. This was a Diocese wide event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Virgin Mary’s appearance at Fatima. The St. Clare Knights of Columbus assisted in the procession ceremony with the statue of the Virgin Mary. (See Photo Album)
2017 Columbus Day at St. Clare School
The St. Clare of Assisi School celebrated Columbus Day with a memorial ceremony and the color guard provided by the Knights of Columbus. Knight Rich May developed the script for students to present to the assembly. The script included references to the apparition of “Mary on the Pillar” which was a key influence on the Columbus discovery expedition. Thanks to the St. Clare students, Rich May, and all the Knights for their participation in the presentation.
Hurricane Harvey Fund Raiser
On Saturday, September 30, the St. Clare Knights of Columbus served 265 smoked meat dinners and donated over $1600 to the St. Clare’s Christian’s in Action ministry to assist the victims of Hurricane Harvey. A Special Thanks to those that purchased dinners or made a donation, and to those Knights and spouses that worked the event. This was the Knights first major cooking event using their new smoking unit. Please plan to attend one of our dinners in the future which help support our many charitable activities. See more Photos.
Our Newest Knights for September 2017
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus – Council 9708 welcomes Our Newest Knights for September 2017; John Kopfer, Mark Kradzinski, and Charles Conaway. The 1st degree ceremony was held on Thursday, September 28, 2017 at the St. Clare of Assisi Conference Hall. Congratulations John, Mark, and Charles; and Welcome to the St. Clare Council.

2017 Grand Knight Appreciation Dinner
On Sunday, September 17, the Knights held their Grand Knight Appreciation Dinner to honor Former Grand Knight Mike Hahn. The event was held at Gaidos Seafood Restaurant in Galveston, TX. See Additional Photos.
St. Clare Retakes Knights Cup
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus Golf Team retakes possession of the Bay Area Knights Cup at the St. Bernadette Golf Tournament on Saturday, September 16th. The St. Clare Knights team won the Cup back from St. Mary’s in LaPorte and won the overall Golf Tournament with a team score of 12 under.

Hurricane Harvey Volunteers
A Special Thanks to all of our Hurricane Harvey Volunteers. The St. Clare Knights of Columbus joined with other members of the parish to help those most severely affected by Hurricane Harvey. Volunteers met in the church parking lot every day for over a week following the storm; a heartening display for those in need in the community. The St. Clare Christians in Action group continues to see and increased need for those affected by the storm.
Hurricane Harvey was the first major hurricane (Category 3+) to make landfall in the US in 12 years. In the unprecedented four-day period, our area received 52 inches of rain, the most ever recorded in the continental US. The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displacing more than 30,000 people, prompting more than 17,000 rescues, and at least 82 confirmed deaths. See Hurricane Harvey Photo Album.
American Wheelchair Mission Contributions
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus received the following from the American Wheel Chair Mission for contributing to the mission of delivering life changing wheelchairs to people and families in dire need of mobility. The American Wheelchair Mission is one of the many Knights of Columbus Charities that the Council donates to annually. . See Video: Texas Knights Providing Hope.
The American Wheelchair Mission is a non-profit organization with a goal to deliver brand new, free wheelchairs and mobility aids to physically disabled children, teens and adults throughout the world who are without mobility or the means to acquire a wheelchair. The American Wheelchair Mission will continue to change the lives of entire families with the gifts of hope, dignity, freedom and independence.
2017 Ice Cream Social
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus held their Annual Ice Cream Social for the Knights and their families on Thursday, July 20th. “Meet and Greet” bingo games were played by all age groups for a prize drawing. See Photo Album.