Thanks to the generosity of the parish, the Knights of Columbus and their hardworking spouses; the Knights Charity Donations for June totaled over $7,300 to 14 charitable causes. These charitable causes included: St. Clare Capital Support, ACTS Sponsorship, Deaconate Support, Teen Service Mission, Catechist Training, Seminarian/Noviate, Respect Life, Cristo Rey High School, Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity, Communities in Schools, Wheelchair Association, Christian Renewal Center, and Mideast Christian Relief. Thanks to everyone who helped to make these charity donations a reality; what a month!
2018 Officer Installation
The St. Clare Knight of Columbus held their Officer Installation ceremony on June 21st for the 2018-2019 calendar year. The spouses joined the new Officers for the ceremony in the Conference Center. Past Grand Knight, Jerry Moch passes the gavel to the New Grand Knight Dave Fronick. Please congratulate our new Grand Knight, Dave Fronick, and all the new Officers for the 2018-2019 calendar year.
2018 Scholarship Awards
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus presented the 2018 Scholarship Awards at the graduation dinner on May 20. The St Clare Knights began awarding scholarships to deserving high school graduates in 2012; since then, the Knights have funded scholarships totaling more than $34,000.
This year the St. Clare Knights awarded scholarships totaling $6,750 including the $3,000 Elizabeth Witten Scholarship. James Witten was a 4th degree Knight, and the funding of this scholarship is one of the many ways his family honors his and his wife’s memory. Grand Knight Jerry Moch presented this year’s Scholarship Awards to Michelle “Missy” Parma $3,000 (Witten Scholarship sponsored by Kathy and Grant Pitman); Rebecca Rupp $1,000; Elizabeth Saiz $1,000; and Juliana Judge $1,000; and Katherine Toerner $750. Scholarship awards are sent directly to the admitting school in August to be used for any expense posted by the school for the student. See more photos.

2018 St. Clare of Assisi Golf Scramble Dinner Raffle
The Golf Scramble Dinner Raffle with Father was won by Kathy Pittman, a long time sponsor of the St. Clare Charity Golf Tournament. The Dinner with Father was hosted at the home of Past Grand Knight Mike Hahn and his wife Veronica May 4, 2018. Volunteers from St. Clare of Assisi Parish and the Knights of Columbus served the meal and provided the evening entertainment. Prizes were awarded for both winners and losers. See the entire photo album.
8th Annual St. Clare of Assisi Golf Scramble
On March 24th the St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School and Knights of Columbus Council 9708 hosted their 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Battleground Golf Club with over 100 golfers. The weather was excellent, and much fun was had by all. More than $19,000 was raised for St. Clare School for computer technology and many charities of the Knights. The St. Clare Knights were also able to retain the travelling trophy. Listed below are the tournament sponsors. See the entire photo album.
2018 Spring Family Picnic
The 2018 Spring Family Picnic was held for the Knights of Columbus and their Families on March 17; it was also St. Patrick’s Day so there was a lot of Green on display. This was the 3rd Annual Family Picnic hosted by the Knights which featured a cook out with burgers, hot dogs, several sides, and deserts. The highlight of the day was the Easter Egg hunt for the kids, which of course featured “Green Eggs“. See the link the Photo Album.
2018 Casino Night Huge Success
You Ought to Be in Pictures! Were you one of the 283 people that attended last month’s Casino Night? If so, check out the Photo Gallery of Casino Night and see the fun. A Video made by Knight Lee Usry with photos taken by his wife Cathy, shows many of the attendees and workers – maybe even you! Our 2018 Casino Night was a huge success, and will help us support our many charities and parish activities. Thank you.
Please Support Our Generous Sponsors, Supporters, and Donors, that made this event possible:
Gold Sponsors ($750 or More):
Bruce Williamson
Silver Sponsors ($500 or More):
Bill & Mabel Hoff
Bronze Sponsors ($250 or More) | |
Bay Oaks Country Club Beyond Beaute Dan McCarver, Better Homes & Garden Real Estate Bridget Deflora Gaidos Seafood Tim& Lisa Howell Hidden Cove Outdoors Isle of Capri Casinos |
Carl & Lynne Ogden Tony & Bo Ogden Panera Bread Saloon Door Brewing T.D. Williamson TriAffect Fitness Health & Wellness Lee & Cathy Usry . |
Supporters ($100 or More) | |
M. Alexander / P. Kramer Billiard Factory Dave & Buster’s Bill & Barb Cory Clear Lake Auto Service Egg & I Restaurant Glenn & Kathy Galecki Sue Ann Goodwin Grazia Italian Kitchen Pat & Mary Alyce Hall HEB J. Henry’s & Craft 96 John & JoAnn Kopfer |
KofC Council 3217 Kroger Lupe Tortilla Maggiano’s Little Italy Jerry & Gale Moch Olive Garden Post Oak Graphics Shelby Ramirez Richard Ray John & Darlene Selmarten Thai Cottage Yard House . |
Donors ($50 or More) | |
Academy Ace Hardware Chuey’s John Deflora Charles Conaway El Dorado’s Mexican Restaurant Terry & Jan Green Wesley Howard |
George Gillespie Kona Grill Mercedes Benz Clear Lake Mod Pizza P.F. Chang’s Rouxpour Restaurant Rudy’s Bar-B-Que Star Cinema Grill |
St. Clare Knights hold District Free Throw Championship
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus held their second annual District Free Throw Championship. Four boys, aged 9 to 12, and 1 girl, 13 yrs old, were awarded District medals by our District Deputy, Felipe Sanchez. All the winners are now eligible to compete at the Diocesan competition later this month. Congratulations and good luck to all our winners!
Our Newest Knights for January 2018
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus – Council 9708 welcomes Our Newest Knights for January 2018; Jarod Bottoms, Jim Hickok, and Terry Rodgers. The 1st degree ceremony was held on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at the St. Clare of Assisi Conference Hall. Congratulations Jarod, Jim, and Terry, and Welcome to the St. Clare Council.

Knights Receive Star Council Award
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus received the prestigious Star Council Award for the 2016-2017 year during Mike Hahn’s term as Grand Knight. The Star Council Award recognizes excellence in the Council’s membership growth, promotion of top-rated insurance products, Council programs, and charitable outreach. To qualify, the Council must:
- Meet or exceed its annual membership goal of 7 % increase
- Promote top-rated Knights of Columbus insurance products with a 2.5 % increase over prior year
- Conduct at least four major programs in each of the Service Program categories of Church, Community, Council, Family, Culture of Life, and Youth
St. Clare’s Star Award was one of two in the District which lifted the overall District to the Star District Award. District Deputy Felipe Sanchez presented the Star Council Award to at a recent Council meeting, and also displayed the Star District Award.