Knights Cooker Has Arrived

The Knights Cooker Has Arrived!

The St. Clare Knights of Columbus  are very excited about receiving this cooker as it greatly expands our cooking capabilities.  We look forward to many new cooking events.  The cooker is currently stored outside the back door of the old parish hall.   Please stop by and check it out!  A special thanks to the Knights who have agreed to participate on the Cooking Team.

St Clare Knights of Columbus CookerSt Clare Knights of Columbus CookerSt Clare Knights of Columbus CookerSt Clare Knights of Columbus - Cooking Team


2017 Scholarship Awards

The St. Clare Knights of Columbus presented the 2017 Scholarship Awards at the graduation dinner on May 21.  The St Clare Knights began awarding scholarships to deserving high school graduates in 2012; since then, the Knights have funded scholarships totaling more than $27,000.

This year the St. Clare Knights awarded scholarships totaling $7,000 including the $3,000 Elizabeth Witten Scholarship.  James Witten was a 4th degree Knight, and the funding of this scholarship is one of the many ways his family honors his and his wife’s memory.  Grand Knight Mike Hahn presented this year’s Scholarship Awards to Matthew Bianchi (attending University of Texas-Austin), Benson Jacob (attending Texas A&M), Korrie Fulcher (attending University of Texas-Austin), Bailey Breaux (attending Texas A&M), Kaitlyn Golden (attending Stephen F. Austin), and Miles Hallberg (attending Texas A&M).  Congratulations to all the graduates, and best wishes as you embark on the next phase of your education!

2017 Scholarship Awards - St. Clare Knights of Columbus
Matthew Bianchi – $3,000 Witten Scholarship
2017 Scholarship Awards - St. Clare Knights of Columbus
Benson Jacob – $1,000 Scholarship
2017 Scholarship Awards - St. Clare Knights of Columbus
Korrie Fulcher – $1,000 Scholarship
2017 Scholarship Awards - St. Clare Knights of Columbus
Bailey Breaux – $1,000 Scholarship
2017 Scholarship Awards - St. Clare Knights of Columbus
Kaitlyn Golden – $500 Scholarship
2017 Scholarship Awards - St. Clare Knights of Columbus
Miles Hallberg – $500 Scholarship

2017 New Knights Social

The St. Clare Knights of Columbus held a New Knights Social for all those who joined the Council during the past year.  Grand Knight, Mike Hahn and his wife Veronica graciously hosted the event at their home on Sunday May 21st.  The Knights also recognized Father Vincent for winning the Clergy of the Year.  A wonderful meal was served including burgers, chopped beef sandwiches, all the fixin’s, tea and desert.  Several tried their luck at fishing off the dock, but nothing was caught except fish stories and fellowship.  Thanks to Mike and Veronica for their hospitality.

If you’re interested in joining the Knights, please contact us here.  Maybe we can see you next year.

2017 New Knights Social

Welcome to Our Newest Knights for May 2017

The St. Clare Knights of Columbus – Council 9708 welcomes our newest Knights; Charles Campise, Maricio Rodriguez, and Chuck Mowry.  The 1st degree ceremony was held on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at the St. Clare of Assisi Conference Hall.  Congratulations Charles, Maricio, and Chuck; and Welcome to the St. Clare Council.

Welcome Newest Knights for May 2017

2017 Spring Family Picnic

The St. Clare Knights of Columbus held their 2017 Spring Family Picnic at the Christian Renewal Center on Saturday, April 15.   The cookout included grilled burgers, hot dogs and all the fixings, plus a wide variety of pot luck sides and desserts.  This was a nice family outing for everyone and the weather was perfect.  The children finished the day with a massive Easter Egg Hunt.

See the rest of the Photo Album.

2017 Spring Family Picnic

2017 Spring Family Picnic2017 Spring Family Picnic2017 Spring Family Picnic2017 Spring Family Picnic2017 Spring Family Picnic

7th Annual St. Clare of Assisi Golf Scramble

The 7th Annual St. Clare of Assisi Golf Scramble was held on Saturday April 8, 2017.  The event was a huge success raising funds for the St. Clare School and Knights of Columbus charities.  A Big “Thank You” to all the sponsors, donors, golfers, and volunteers who came together to make the event happen.

7th Annual St. Clare of Assisi Golf Scramble
2017 St. Clare of Assisi Golf Committee

Steps for Students – 5K Run / Walk

Steps for Students 5K Run / WalkSteps for Students is a 5k Run / Walk that will be held on February 18, 2017.  See the Steps for Students Video.

The St. Clare Knights of Columbus are pleased to support this event, and invite our members to also make individual contributions to the the St. Clare team or to an individual student.

Make your donations to the St. Clare of Assisi School team or individual student online here.

This is an annual archdiocesan-wide event where all school and parish communities and business and community partners come together as one to support Catholic education. The goal of Steps for Students is to raise awareness of Catholic education and provide much needed resources for the Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese.


Father Vincent Nguyen – Clergy of the Year

Father Vincent Nguyen was presented with the “Clergy of the Year Award” at the Knights of Columbus Clergy Appreciation night by His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo.  This annual event was held at the Stafford Center on Friday, January 20, with about 1500 Knights, families and clergy attending.  Please join us in congratulating Father Vincent in receiving this well deserved Award.

His Eminence Cardinal Daniel Dinardo and Father Vincent Nguyen at Clergy of the Year Ceremony
His Eminence Cardinal Daniel Dinardo and Father Vincent Nguyen at Clergy of the Year Ceremony
Grand Knight Mike Hahn and Father Vincent Nguyen at Clergy of the Year Ceremony
Grand Knight Mike Hahn and Father Vincent Nguyen at Clergy of the Year Ceremony



Free Throw Championship

Since 1972, Knights of Columbus Councils have sponsored Free Throw Championship for boys and girls ages of 9 and 14.  The championship is set up to have the contestants compete within their own gender and age group.  All competition starts at the local level.  Winners move on to the district, regional, and state levels. From there, some will make it to the international level for championship competition in their group.

This year’s event was hosted by St. Clare Knights of Columbus in the Family Life Center gym.  The competition is for ages 9-14 yrs (age as of Jan. 1), boys and girls.  Boys and Girls 11 and under shoot from a 12 ft foul line. Boys 11 and under can use a woman’s regulation ball (all girl ages use the woman’s ball).  Each contestant gets 3 warm up tosses, then 15 “tosses for record”.  This year we also held a “coaches’ competition”, any coach from the league could also come and shoot and be s cored.  No prizes for coaches, just bragging rights.