The St. Clare Knights of Columbus joined thousands of Texans at the Texas Rally for Life on Saturday, January 25, at the Capitol in Austin. Guests from Area Parishes and Knights Councils joined the St. Clare Knights on the bus ride to the Capital. The 2020 Texas Rally for Life commemorates the 47th anniversary of the tragic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus held their 2020 Free Throw Championships on Saturday January 25. Boys and girls ages 9 to 14 participated in the contest. Contestants competed within their own gender and age group. Winners move on to the District, Regional, and State levels.
Congratulations to Mark Kradzinski for being selected as the council’s Knight of the Quarter. Mark has been recognized for his hard work as Treasurer and his recent leadership for the 2020 Casino Night. Thank you Mark!
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus received the prestigious Star Council Award for the 2018-2019 year during Dave Fronick’s term as Grand Knight. The Star Council Award recognizes excellence in the Council’s Membership Growth, Faith in Action Programs, promotion of top-rated insurance products, and Charitable Outreach. The Council’s Star Award was only one of 6 from 132 Councils in the entire Galveston–Houston Archdiocese. District Deputy Jerry Moch presented the Star Council Award to at a recent Council meeting.
Grand Knight Dave Fronick, and District Deputy Jerry Moch
The Knights of Columbus presented Fr. Vincent with another Capital Campaign Donation of $4,000. Since the start of the Capital Campaign, the Knights of Columbus have donated over $30,000 through their fundraising efforts. With $120,000 of the debt remaining, additional donations are still needed to meet the November 2019 deadline.
Grand Knight Dave Fronick, Fr. Vincent Nguyen, and Deputy Grand Knight Bill Hoff
We are now taking 2019 KofC Shirt Orders for the Council. If you are relatively new to the Council, or if your current shirt just needs an upgrade, please take this opportunity to order. We are offering 5 quality shirts from Port Authority and Nike.
Port Authority Long Sleeve Denim Shirt in 100% Cotton. Sizes XS-4XL. Estimated Cost $37
Port Authority Short Sleeve Button Down Collar Dress Shirt in 55 /45 Cotton /Poly. Sizes: XS – 4XL. Colors: Light Stone or Royal Blue. Estimated Cost $32
Port Authority Short Sleeve Knit Collared Polo with “Moisture Wicking Technology”. This is a 60/40 Cotton /Poly. Sizes: XS-4XL. Color: Navy. Estimated cost $33
Nike Short Sleeve Dri-Fit Collared Polo. 100% Poly Fabric. Sizes: XS – 4XL. Color: Navy only. Estimated Cost $49
Port Authority Dri Zone 100% Poly Fabric (Same as Nike above) Navy Blue with Light Blue Trim Stripe on Sleeve Cuff. Sizes: XS-4XL. Estimated cost $36
Place your shirt order below and you will pay the Council when the shirts are arrive. The cost is estimated because the shipping cost is allocated equally over the number of shirts ordered and may vary by a couple of dollars. Please contact Bill Cory at if you have any questions.
The St. Clare Knights participated in the 2019 American Wheelchair Mission again this year with wheelchair contributions changing the lives of people in dire need of mobility. Please take a moment to watch this moving video, Texas Knights Living the Gospel, to see how lives are being changed.
Congratulations to our Newest Knights! – Chris Beck received his 1st Degree on July 11, and brothers John & Jim Selmarten received their 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Degree on July 20, 2019. John Selmarten Sr. made it a special event when he received his 3rd Degree along with his 2 sons – we believe this is the first time a father and 2 sons have ever received their 3rd Degree together. Congratulations to the Selmarten Family! Also receiving advanced degrees on July 20th was Charles Conaway (2nd Degree) and Riley Ludlow (2nd & 3rd Degrees). Congratulations to all of our new Knights and advanced degrees!
Chris Beck
John Selmarten, Jr.
Jim Selmarten
Selmarten Family, Jim, John Sr., John Jr.
Charles Conaway, Jim Selmarten, John Selmarten Jr., John Selmarten Sr., & Riley Ludlow
The Special Olympics has been one of the Knights charitable causes for many years, and is one of our Faith in Action Programs. The St. Clare Knights of Columbus are proud to participate in this great cause with our charitable donations.
The Knights of Columbus has a unique partnership with the Special Olympics and has helped disabled athletes train for and compete in games around the world. Knights of Columbus Councils have assisted with all aspects of the program from fundraising to feeding the athletes, organizing and judging events, and providing equipment and awards. without the support of the Knights, participants would not be able to train for the events that they love.
The Knights of Columbus held their Installation of Officers on Thursday, June 20, 2019. Dave Fronick will continue as Grand Knight for the 2019-2020 fraternal year. Congratulations to all of the new Officers and Trustees; see them on our webpage.
After the ceremonies, District Deputy Felipe Sanchez presented Dave Fronick with the Texas Quick Start Award for meeting all state goals in the first 6 months of the year. This was Felipe’s last meeting as our District Deputy after 5 years of service; we are thankful for his dedication and service to our Counsel. The new District Deputy will be our very own Jerry Moch and we wish him the best in his new position. Congratulations to everyone!