Thank you to all the Volunteers that made our November Parish Breakfast Social a great success Sunday, November 12. We served a total of 123 meals to the attendees and our workers, that is a great turnout!

Thank you to all the Volunteers that made our November Parish Breakfast Social a great success Sunday, November 12. We served a total of 123 meals to the attendees and our workers, that is a great turnout!
The St. Clare Knights donate $2,000 to St Clare Church for the CIA Ministry on Sunday November 12, 2023 after mass.
The St. Clare Knights of Columbus receive the 2022-23 Star Council Award. The Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance, programming, and overall operations. This is the highest Award given nationally by the Knights and is an indicator of a high preforming Council. The St. Clare Council has now won the Award 4 times in the last 5 years. District Deputy Joe Kramer presented on the Award on November 9, 2023 to Past Grand Knight Luis Zepeda, Program Director Paul Baczek, and Membership Director Frank Stands.
The St Clare Knights of Columbus and Parish collected Baby Shower items over two weekends for the Loving Choice Pregnancy Center. The Council combined their cash donation of $2,000 with Baby Items, Gift Cards, Cash, and Checks received for a combined total of over $13,000 in cash and goods. Congratulations to everyone for an outstanding job!