The St. Clare Knights of Columbus presented the 2017 Scholarship Awards at the graduation dinner on May 21. The St Clare Knights began awarding scholarships to deserving high school graduates in 2012; since then, the Knights have funded scholarships totaling more than $27,000.
This year the St. Clare Knights awarded scholarships totaling $7,000 including the $3,000 Elizabeth Witten Scholarship. James Witten was a 4th degree Knight, and the funding of this scholarship is one of the many ways his family honors his and his wife’s memory. Grand Knight Mike Hahn presented this year’s Scholarship Awards to Matthew Bianchi (attending University of Texas-Austin), Benson Jacob (attending Texas A&M), Korrie Fulcher (attending University of Texas-Austin), Bailey Breaux (attending Texas A&M), Kaitlyn Golden (attending Stephen F. Austin), and Miles Hallberg (attending Texas A&M). Congratulations to all the graduates, and best wishes as you embark on the next phase of your education!